Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pain in the Back...

So I haven't posted anything in a couple weeks. I've had a LOT going on. Like being 7 months pregnant with thyroid issues wasn't enough, I was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago with kidney stones. Yes, stones. After having an ultrasound, the doctors confirmed that there's not just one of those little buggers in there, but six! Seriously?! Six?! Yep... So I stayed in the lovely hospital for two nights, hooked up to an IV pump where they forced bag after bag of saline through me in an attempt to flush the stones out. It didn't work. I was admitted on a Sunday night, and by Monday morning, I was already having to take shots of Demerol (not by choice). I hate to take anything for pain, by anything, I mean that I don't even like to take Tylenol. So I went home on Tuesday, because there wasn't anything they could do except continue to give me fluids and pain medicine. They sent me home with a prescription for Norco (Lortab) which is pretty strong stuff. Wednesday came, and I felt okay, but not great. I went to work for the first time since the prior Friday, but I only stayed for five hours. Thursday was horrible. I woke up feeling pretty bad, so I took a half a pain pill. Bad idea. It made me so sick that I basically camped out in the bathroom for the majority of the day. Not easy with a two-year-old. By Friday I was hurting badly, but couldn't take my medication. It was miserable. I ended up going to work long enough to get payroll finished and the bills paid, and I went home. By the time I got home,  I was bawling and could barely sit up. Immediately, I made my husband (who works 2nd shift) take me to the emergency room. Once I got there, they wouldn't take me to the OB floor, so I had to stay in the ER with everybody who had one virus or another. After taking 35 minutes to explain to 3 different people what was going on, they decided that I needed pain medication.... DUH! The doctor on call came in and checked me out, and basically told me I was slightly dehydrated, and that all he could do was give me a bag of fluid and change my prescription. He ordered the nurse to get me a shot of Morphine, which was the awful. It took my breath, and scared me so badly that I thought I was going to have a seizure. He sent me home with a prescription for Percocet this time, and said it wouldn't make me sick. He was right about that, except he forgot to tell me that it'd make me so loopy I could barely manage to get food to my mouth. So here I am today, Tuesday, and I'm still in pain, but I don't want to take the medication, because of how crazy it makes me. It'd be great if I had someone at home to watch the kiddo, but I don't until after 10:00 PM. It sucks. OOOh the joys of kidney stones during pregnancy!

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Deadbeat Brother-in-law

  For the past 2 1/2 years, my husband and I have had custody of our nieces. (His brother's kids) Their dad is what I would classify as a deadbeat. The longest he has held a job is maybe six months. Any excuse he can come up with to not work, he uses it. The reason we have custody is not because of the fact that he doesn't keep a job; it's because he got busted for drugs. He has given the entire family a bad name. We really thought he was doing much better over last summer, and decided that he was responsible enough to keep the girls for the school year. He had a job (making more money than my husband) and his wife was working as well. Forgot to mention that he met his wife while he was still in "rehab". The kids were doing pretty well in school and seemed to be fed and clean, so we assumed everything was going alright. They changed phone numbers about as much as I change clothes, so it was sort of hard to get in touch with them, but we trusted that they were still doing the right things.
  A little over a month ago, he got a job working for my dad at a bunk bed manufacturing plant. He lasted less than a week. This idiot lived within a mile of the place, and didn't show up for work because it didn't pay enough. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure a job paying a little money is better than no job and no money. Then, this week, they all moved in with my mother-in-law. She has a 16-year-old son and her sister who is terminally ill who both live with her in a 2 bedroom house. Then, they add another family of four into the equation. They're packed in there like sardines. This weekend, we stopped by, unaware that they had moved in, and my MIL was outside in her car, weeping. The jack-off wanted her to go buy two boxes of Claritin so that he could take them and trade them for a car. We all know what that looks like, right? Basically he wanted someone else to do the dirty work and take the rap for his illegal activities. I, for one, will not sit idly by. I'm not putting myself in jeopardy because he can't break a habit. My MIL said that for the last 2 days, he hadn't slept or eaten, and he had left in the middle of the night to go to the ER. A little fishy, huh? When I confronted him about the situation, he went off the deep end on me, and instead of dealing with his problems himself, he decided that he wanted to get his wife who weighs about 185 pounds to take care of it. Did I mention that I weigh 120 pounds, and I'm just over 6 months pregnant? He's a real man, huh? She was threatening to beat me and everything else. I think if she wants to fight, then fine. She's a convicted felon, and if she threw and landed a single blow, it could be considered attempted murder of a fetus. Stupid bitty...
  I went to my friend, who was the on-duty police officer in town, and discussed the matter with him. My brother-in-law is wanted in our county for back child support, and so my husband and his mom freak out because they know he will go to jail if there is any law enforcement involvement. I personally couldn't care less. I think the piece of crap needs to sit there and rot. It's not fair what he's doing to his kids. He was so strung out when we went by, that he could barely hold his eyes open, not to mention all the "pick marks" on his arms and face. He tried to tell me that he had a vitamin deficiency, but I'm not stupid. We were going to go today to sign custody of the children over to DHR, but my MIL went ape. She started crying and begging us not to, and said that those kids were her life. My husband decided to give them a couple days to try to come up with a way for her to get custody of the kids before we did anything. I know the poor kids have been through a lot in their little lives, but I almost think that it would be best for them to never see their dad again. All he seems to do is hurt them. I changed jobs a few months ago, and though I like this job much more than the last one, I don't make enough money to support three, soon to be four, children. My husband works, and makes decent money, but his check pays the bills, and mine pays for groceries and gas. I simply cannot afford to take that back on. The kids have been in our custody since the day before my son was born. I was twenty-one when I took on the role of "mom" to two kids that weren't even my own. My husband and I have been the family caretakers for the last five of the six years we have been married. We haven't really had time to spend with each other as a family, because we have been too busy taking care of everyone else. First, my father-in-law passed away after my husband and I had been married for only 7 months, and we took my MIL and little BIL in, because they had nowhere to go. They lived with us for the majority of the past 5 years, and have just moved out in the last 6 months. Still, my husband is constantly having to lend them money. I've had enough. It's time we take care of ourselves, and stop bailing everybody else out. 
  Seriously, it's time that we focus on our own family, and stop trying to hold everyone else's together. You can only stretch so far before you break, and I'm just about to break. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a deadbeat who won't take care of his kids. But even worse, is when he puts his kids in danger because he "needs" to feed a habit. Some people should be banned from procreation...just my opinion. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Office Squatters

  I'm sure anyone who has ever worked in an office setting has encountered at least one person who is like this, at least to some degree. I pride myself on being a "people person". I mean, I've worked with the public for six years, so I really haven't had much of a choice.  I've been at my current job for just over four months, and I had to cohabit an office with this lady (we'll call her Molly) for a little over a month. She is much older than me. As a matter of fact, she has a son that is my age, and quite often tells me that if neither of us were married, she would want us to date... I think I'll keep the one I have, thanks.
   Enough rambling. I believe Molly has some strange affliction that causes her to feel the need to be within ten feet of me at all times. I guess I should tell you that I work at a radio station as the Bookkeeper and Programming Scheduler (aka Girl Friday). Molly is "supposedly" in sales, but with her affliction, she obviously can't get too far. Obviously, I stay pretty busy what with trying to pay bills and employees, put in new orders (that she is supposed to bring in), go to the bank/ post office, set and reconcile logs, and answer the phone. Okay, so it doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. I like to be able to work in private. Mostly because I deal with the company bank account, and I really think that info should be kept confidential. At least 3 out of the 5 working days, she spends a good 4 to 5 hours in my office. My dear boss set me up out front so that I can keep out all the crazies and sort of be the "face" of the station. On the up-side, I get my very own office, and it has two doors that I can close whenever I feel the need. She seems to be oblivious to the fact that I have the doors closed for a reason. I cannot, repeat CANNOT work with someone standing over my shoulder. I shut down. This lady is so nosy that she will literally stand over my shoulder and watch every move I make. A lot of times when she does, I just close it all out and sit there...unproductive. There are many days when I want to literally punch her in the throat. I really don't want to hear all about her crazy family and all their problems, I have my own. She has a tendency to tell me waaaay too much information. At just over 6 months pregnant, my hormones are pretty rampant, and I get angry a LOT easier than I used to, so I have to fight the urge to smack her on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times daily.
  I forgot to mention that I have to keep my friggin' desk drawers locked, and keep anything that I don't want her hands or eyes on locked away. She has been caught using my computer on more than one occasion, and she has admitted to rifling through the things in my desk organizer. She is bat crap crazy. Her husband is just as bad, if not worse. He, too, has spent the entire day in my work space (not alone with me). Anyway, this lady has an office of her own, but should really be out selling advertising, but decides to spend her days in my office. All I can do is pray for my boss to reprimand her again or that she quits... Maybe she's just afraid of being alone. I don't know. All I know is that it drives me NUTS! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

White Boys Who Wish They Weren't

     This is one thing that drives me completely nuts! When white boys act like hood rats...you know what I'm talking about. Prime example: the guy who wears his blue jeans down around his knees, a long tee shirt or a wife beater (depending on the weather), and a dang flat-billed baseball cap. He drives his grandma's car and blasts rap music until the speakers are about to explode. I saw a guy that reminded me of that today. I was minding my own business, pumping gas, and this guy that couldn't have been more than 25 pulled up at the pump next to me. I had to bite my tongue (first to keep from laughing and second to keep myself from verbally assaulting him). This idiot pulls up in a Taurus...a FREAKING TAURUS!!! Seroiusly?! My mom drove one of those when I was 10! Instead of turning his music down, and being respectful, the ingrate turned the radio UP. If I had any interest in hearing someone say the F word every other breath, I'd look up videos of George Carlin. At least he was funny! Even worse, when he got out of the car, he had on the typical attire, and to top it off, he even tried to strut! Geezus! I swear, I don't know who in the heck would find that attractive. (Well besides trailer trash or a crack hoochie) If the douche canoes knew where the whole "sagging" thing actually originated, I'll bet they would start pulling up their pants. I know people of other races who are stereotyped into this category, and even they think it's stupid! You can't tell me that they're "being themselves" when clearly, they are trying not to be who they were born to be. A word to the wise, pull your pants up, turn the music down, and act like the adult that you should be.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facebook Picture Link Sharers...

Everybody knows at least one person who shares a million pics per day on Facebook. I really don't get it. Do these people really have that little going on in their lives that they feel they MUST share like 5 million pictures and sayings daily? Most of them are stupid! It's like they feel like they need attention, and to get it they post a thousand picture/quote status updates from random pages, praying that someone will "like" it or comment, or share them! It would be different if these people posted pictures of themselves or family, heck even pets, anything! But noooo, they have to take stupid posts from people they don't even know to make them feel better. Most of these things either say stuff like " If you love Jesus, like and share. If you love Satan, keep scrolling" or something about drama or kids. Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus and my kids, and I hate drama, but I sure don't go sticking idiotic pictures on my Facebook about it. I think that if you have something to say, then say it yourself. Don't plagiarize someone else's stuff. Be original. I have posted some of these pics once or twice, but it was mostly due to the fact that they were just too dang funny not to share. I don't however post crap like the one below. I have actually seen this particular pic (or whatever you want to call it) on my news feed at least 4 times by four different people. Seriously?! Why do that?