Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pain in the Back...

So I haven't posted anything in a couple weeks. I've had a LOT going on. Like being 7 months pregnant with thyroid issues wasn't enough, I was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago with kidney stones. Yes, stones. After having an ultrasound, the doctors confirmed that there's not just one of those little buggers in there, but six! Seriously?! Six?! Yep... So I stayed in the lovely hospital for two nights, hooked up to an IV pump where they forced bag after bag of saline through me in an attempt to flush the stones out. It didn't work. I was admitted on a Sunday night, and by Monday morning, I was already having to take shots of Demerol (not by choice). I hate to take anything for pain, by anything, I mean that I don't even like to take Tylenol. So I went home on Tuesday, because there wasn't anything they could do except continue to give me fluids and pain medicine. They sent me home with a prescription for Norco (Lortab) which is pretty strong stuff. Wednesday came, and I felt okay, but not great. I went to work for the first time since the prior Friday, but I only stayed for five hours. Thursday was horrible. I woke up feeling pretty bad, so I took a half a pain pill. Bad idea. It made me so sick that I basically camped out in the bathroom for the majority of the day. Not easy with a two-year-old. By Friday I was hurting badly, but couldn't take my medication. It was miserable. I ended up going to work long enough to get payroll finished and the bills paid, and I went home. By the time I got home,  I was bawling and could barely sit up. Immediately, I made my husband (who works 2nd shift) take me to the emergency room. Once I got there, they wouldn't take me to the OB floor, so I had to stay in the ER with everybody who had one virus or another. After taking 35 minutes to explain to 3 different people what was going on, they decided that I needed pain medication.... DUH! The doctor on call came in and checked me out, and basically told me I was slightly dehydrated, and that all he could do was give me a bag of fluid and change my prescription. He ordered the nurse to get me a shot of Morphine, which was the awful. It took my breath, and scared me so badly that I thought I was going to have a seizure. He sent me home with a prescription for Percocet this time, and said it wouldn't make me sick. He was right about that, except he forgot to tell me that it'd make me so loopy I could barely manage to get food to my mouth. So here I am today, Tuesday, and I'm still in pain, but I don't want to take the medication, because of how crazy it makes me. It'd be great if I had someone at home to watch the kiddo, but I don't until after 10:00 PM. It sucks. OOOh the joys of kidney stones during pregnancy!

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