Friday, April 20, 2012

Office Squatters

  I'm sure anyone who has ever worked in an office setting has encountered at least one person who is like this, at least to some degree. I pride myself on being a "people person". I mean, I've worked with the public for six years, so I really haven't had much of a choice.  I've been at my current job for just over four months, and I had to cohabit an office with this lady (we'll call her Molly) for a little over a month. She is much older than me. As a matter of fact, she has a son that is my age, and quite often tells me that if neither of us were married, she would want us to date... I think I'll keep the one I have, thanks.
   Enough rambling. I believe Molly has some strange affliction that causes her to feel the need to be within ten feet of me at all times. I guess I should tell you that I work at a radio station as the Bookkeeper and Programming Scheduler (aka Girl Friday). Molly is "supposedly" in sales, but with her affliction, she obviously can't get too far. Obviously, I stay pretty busy what with trying to pay bills and employees, put in new orders (that she is supposed to bring in), go to the bank/ post office, set and reconcile logs, and answer the phone. Okay, so it doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. I like to be able to work in private. Mostly because I deal with the company bank account, and I really think that info should be kept confidential. At least 3 out of the 5 working days, she spends a good 4 to 5 hours in my office. My dear boss set me up out front so that I can keep out all the crazies and sort of be the "face" of the station. On the up-side, I get my very own office, and it has two doors that I can close whenever I feel the need. She seems to be oblivious to the fact that I have the doors closed for a reason. I cannot, repeat CANNOT work with someone standing over my shoulder. I shut down. This lady is so nosy that she will literally stand over my shoulder and watch every move I make. A lot of times when she does, I just close it all out and sit there...unproductive. There are many days when I want to literally punch her in the throat. I really don't want to hear all about her crazy family and all their problems, I have my own. She has a tendency to tell me waaaay too much information. At just over 6 months pregnant, my hormones are pretty rampant, and I get angry a LOT easier than I used to, so I have to fight the urge to smack her on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times daily.
  I forgot to mention that I have to keep my friggin' desk drawers locked, and keep anything that I don't want her hands or eyes on locked away. She has been caught using my computer on more than one occasion, and she has admitted to rifling through the things in my desk organizer. She is bat crap crazy. Her husband is just as bad, if not worse. He, too, has spent the entire day in my work space (not alone with me). Anyway, this lady has an office of her own, but should really be out selling advertising, but decides to spend her days in my office. All I can do is pray for my boss to reprimand her again or that she quits... Maybe she's just afraid of being alone. I don't know. All I know is that it drives me NUTS! 

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