Thursday, April 19, 2012

White Boys Who Wish They Weren't

     This is one thing that drives me completely nuts! When white boys act like hood know what I'm talking about. Prime example: the guy who wears his blue jeans down around his knees, a long tee shirt or a wife beater (depending on the weather), and a dang flat-billed baseball cap. He drives his grandma's car and blasts rap music until the speakers are about to explode. I saw a guy that reminded me of that today. I was minding my own business, pumping gas, and this guy that couldn't have been more than 25 pulled up at the pump next to me. I had to bite my tongue (first to keep from laughing and second to keep myself from verbally assaulting him). This idiot pulls up in a Taurus...a FREAKING TAURUS!!! Seroiusly?! My mom drove one of those when I was 10! Instead of turning his music down, and being respectful, the ingrate turned the radio UP. If I had any interest in hearing someone say the F word every other breath, I'd look up videos of George Carlin. At least he was funny! Even worse, when he got out of the car, he had on the typical attire, and to top it off, he even tried to strut! Geezus! I swear, I don't know who in the heck would find that attractive. (Well besides trailer trash or a crack hoochie) If the douche canoes knew where the whole "sagging" thing actually originated, I'll bet they would start pulling up their pants. I know people of other races who are stereotyped into this category, and even they think it's stupid! You can't tell me that they're "being themselves" when clearly, they are trying not to be who they were born to be. A word to the wise, pull your pants up, turn the music down, and act like the adult that you should be.

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