Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facebook Picture Link Sharers...

Everybody knows at least one person who shares a million pics per day on Facebook. I really don't get it. Do these people really have that little going on in their lives that they feel they MUST share like 5 million pictures and sayings daily? Most of them are stupid! It's like they feel like they need attention, and to get it they post a thousand picture/quote status updates from random pages, praying that someone will "like" it or comment, or share them! It would be different if these people posted pictures of themselves or family, heck even pets, anything! But noooo, they have to take stupid posts from people they don't even know to make them feel better. Most of these things either say stuff like " If you love Jesus, like and share. If you love Satan, keep scrolling" or something about drama or kids. Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus and my kids, and I hate drama, but I sure don't go sticking idiotic pictures on my Facebook about it. I think that if you have something to say, then say it yourself. Don't plagiarize someone else's stuff. Be original. I have posted some of these pics once or twice, but it was mostly due to the fact that they were just too dang funny not to share. I don't however post crap like the one below. I have actually seen this particular pic (or whatever you want to call it) on my news feed at least 4 times by four different people. Seriously?! Why do that?

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